Fake Sources in My Paper from Essaypro.com

When I first decided to use Essaypro.com for help with my paper, I thought I was making a smart choice. I’d heard about so many students relying on online services, and the idea of having expert assistance sounded appealing. After all, we’re all under immense pressure to perform academically, and sometimes, we just need a helping hand. However, little did I know that my experience would quickly turn sour, revealing a side of this service that I hadn’t anticipated. Unfortunately, my experience showed that Essaypro is a fraud.


With a polished website and glowing testimonials, I felt confident in my decision. I reached out to my assigned writer, eager to discuss my needs and expectations. They assured me that they had access to reputable academic journals and promised to include high-quality sources to support my arguments. At that moment, I was optimistic, believing I had made the right choice in seeking help. But soon, that confidence would unravel, leading to a series of frustrating discoveries about the integrity of my paper and the service I had chosen.


A Surprising Discovery

However, that relief didn’t last long. After submitting the essay, I was eager to hear my professor’s feedback. When the day came, I sat in class, ready to hear about my “A” paper. Instead, my professor challenged the credibility of my sources during a discussion. At first, I was shocked—could this really be happening? I thought my professor was mistaken.

Determined to prove them wrong, I decided to look up the sources in my paper. To my horror, I discovered that none of them existed! I felt a mix of embarrassment and frustration. How could I have trusted a service that led me down this path?


Fake Citations Everywhere

As I dug deeper, I realized that the citations were more than just fake; they were cleverly crafted to look legitimate. The writer had used real author names, but the publication details were fabricated. It felt like a betrayal. I reached out to Essaypro.com to express my concerns, but their responses were vague and unhelpful. They claimed it was a “miscommunication,” but that didn’t fix the fact that I was left with a paper full of made-up references.


Communication Breakdown

Desperate for a resolution, I tried contacting customer service multiple times. Each time, I was met with robotic responses that did nothing to address my issues. I even took to social media to share my experience, hoping to warn others, but instead, I found myself facing fake reviews in response. It felt like I was shouting into the void.


The Impact on My Life

In the aftermath, I couldn’t shake off the anxiety about my academic reputation. I had to rewrite the entire paper, which meant missing deadlines for other assignments and added stress to an already busy semester. My trust in online writing services was shattered, and I couldn’t help but feel that I had learned a painful lesson.


Conclusion: Beware of Essaypro.com

Reflecting on my experience with Essaypro.com, I realize that I should have done more thorough research before seeking their help. The risks associated with using a service that provides fake citations and unreliable assistance are far too significant to overlook. This experience has not only taught me the importance of verifying sources but has also reinforced the value of choosing more trustworthy academic support. I hope others can learn from my missteps and approach online writing services with caution, ensuring that their academic integrity remains intact.



1. What should I do if my paper from Essaypro.com has fake sources?

If you discover that your paper contains fake sources, it’s crucial to address the issue immediately. Start by contacting Essaypro.com’s customer support to report the problem, but be prepared for unhelpful responses. You may also need to consult your professor to discuss the situation and determine the best course of action for rectifying your academic standing.


2. How reliable is the customer service at Essaypro.com?

Many users have reported that customer service at Essaypro.com is inconsistent and unresponsive. You might encounter robotic replies that fail to address your concerns, leaving you frustrated and without the support you need when facing issues with your order.


3. Can I trust the qualifications of the writers on Essaypro.com?

There are numerous accounts of writers on Essaypro.com submitting work that lacks credibility and genuine expertise. It's essential to be cautious, as some users have found that the writers may not have the necessary academic background to produce quality work or use legitimate sources.


4. What happens if I receive a paper that doesn't meet my requirements?

If the paper you receive from Essaypro.com doesn't meet your specifications, you may find it challenging to get a satisfactory resolution. Many customers have reported difficulty obtaining revisions or refunds, which can leave you stuck with a subpar paper that doesn’t fulfill your needs.


5. Is there a risk of plagiarism when using Essaypro.com?

Yes, there is a risk of receiving plagiarized content from Essaypro.com. Users have reported concerns about the originality of the papers, leading to anxiety about academic integrity. It’s essential to use plagiarism detection tools on any work received from this service to ensure it meets your institution's standards.

Posted by Murphy Tate in Other Category 1 day, 20 hours ago  ·  Public    cloud_download 0    remove_red_eye 9
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