The availability of pre-cut fruits and vegetables has non-negotiably made cooking easier. It has considerably reduced our kitchen hours and efforts which could be utilized to get other things done that matter. Or let’s face the reality even if you do not have a big to-do list for the day, you would not like to spend your hard-earned time in the kitchen. Thus, shopping for washed and cut vegetables online is gaining popularity. However, the greatest dilemma surrounding this facility is that, are the pre-washed and pre-cut veggies as nutritious as fresh whole vegetables? So, let’s explore the point in detail.


Ways in Which Produce Loose Nutrients

The factors that lead to nutrient loss in fresh produce are heat, oxygen, and light. When you cut the produce the interior becomes exposed to oxygen and light. The nutrients that are the most affected by the peeling and cutting of fruits and vegetables are vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E. These vitamins are antioxidants and react with oxygen and are thus lost on peeling and cutting. Additionally, vitamin C is carried by water, and thus easier to leak out in the fluids released after cutting or in water that was used to rinse the cut produce.

Cutting also raises the respiration rate, which results in the breaking down of the inside sugars to release carbon dioxide resulting in faster spoilage of food. This can potentially be slowed down by storing the food in lower temperatures, thus refrigerating the produce can help. Most other nutrients, including minerals, vitamin D, B-complex vitamins, and fiber, aren't lost after cutting or peeling.

Things to Keep in Mind While Buying Pre-Cut Produce

Look at the dates on the packaging and buy the freshest produce, especially if they are pre-cut, time is an important factor in nutrient loss. Ideally, you should eat pre-cut fruit in two to three days and pre-cut vegetables within five to six days. Keep the time limits in mind when stocking up the produce. You can also reach out for frozen produce.   Frozen fruits and vegetables often have more vitamins and minerals as they are frozen at peak freshness. They also last longer and are easy to use.

Further, storage plays a critical role in the nutritional content game. Always remember to store your fruits and vegetables in airtight containers in your refrigerator. It's also best if you order them in large chunks. Less surface area means less oxygen exposure and more vitamin retention. You can also go for produce that was washed using ozonated water. This is a good option as ozone removes any bacteria, wax, and other chemicals on the surface of the fruits and vegetables.

However, it can be tedious to have to wash and chop whole fresh fruits and vegetables when you're busy with other things. The small difference in nutrients is completely lost if you don't eat the produce at all as it isn’t convenient. So, having fresh-cut fruits and vegetables might help you make healthier So, go ahead and purchase fresh-cut vegetables delivery online and store them properly to easily incorporate nutrients into your diet.

Buy Pre-Cut Fruits and Vegetables Online Now

As discussed above, it is always better to have something than nothing, do not hold yourself back from meal-prepping your entire coming week and ordering pre-chopped produce online. If you are looking for some good vendor GreenChopper has your back. It is one of the best platforms to order fresh pre-cut fruits and vegetables and offers ozone-washed vegetable delivery in Bangalore. So, do not wait, and order pre-cut produce from GreenChopper now.

Author’s Bio

The blog was penned by the efficient team of GreenChopper. We are glad to present to you one of the best chopped vegetable stores online in Bangalore. We offer a variety of fruits and vegetables in diverse shapes and sizes to suit your unique needs. Further, the produce is ozone-washed and hygienically packed to ensure you consume safe produce free from any bacteria, pesticides, or other chemicals. In addition, you can also customize the quantity to suit your requirements. So, do not wait to order pre-cut fruits and vegetables now, from GreenChopper and build an effortless cooking experience.


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