There is no better healer of health than nature itself. There are various products available that have healthy properties to cure many health diseases. Lemon grass is one of those nature-produced healers that brings numerous health benefits if incorporated into a regular diet. In this blog, we will delve into the world of Lemon grass, its properties, and its benefits. Also, you can order washed and cut vegetables online and save yourself a lot of time and trouble.



 What is Lemon Grass?

Lemon grass also known as Cymbopogon is a tall, and perennial grass grown in tropical and subtropical regions. It has flavors of lemon, citrus, and mint and is a key ingredient in Vietnamese and Thai cuisines. There are various dishes to which you can add lemongrass to increase their flavors such as soups, curries, tea, cocktails, salads, and more.

Lemon grass has quercetin, a flavonoid known for anti-hypercholesterolemic and anti-hyperlipidemic qualities, along with various other nutrients. You can order chopped lemongrass from Fresh Chopped Vegetables delivery anytime at your doorstep.

 Benefits of Lemon Grass on Health


Lemon grass is full of antioxidants making it anti-inflammatory. These anti-inflammatory properties are important to cure skin-related issues such as irritation, redness, and itching. In summer or highly humid areas, harmful UV rays affect the skin and create irritated and red skin issues. Lemongrass can resolve them all and soothe skin damage.

Reduces Anxiety

Lemongrass has an acute calming effect that relieves anxiety and stress. The essential oil made out of lemongrass extract can cure depression with its soothing and calming effect on mental health. It increases self-esteem and positive outlook as well as improves physical health.

Digestive Health

There are various studies conducted on the lemongrass to identify its benefits. One study from NIH has shown that lemongrass has nutrients that can help resolve digestive health issues. The oil from the lemongrass can cure stomach issues caused by aspirin and alcohol as it creates a protective shield on the stomach lining. You can order lemongrass from Fresh Vegetable Delivery in Bangalore to your doorstep.

Cholesterol Levels in Balance

It is important to remove unhealthy cholesterol, also known as LDL cholesterol in the body. Lemongrass with its anti-hyperlipidemic and anti-hypercholesterolemic properties helps our body maintain adequate levels of triglycerides. It helps in removing any accumulation of lipids in blood vessels that causes blockage and obstruction in blood arteries. Lemon also removes the chances of cardiac disorders such as atherosclerosis caused by cholesterol.

Lemongrass Prevents Cancer

Lemongrass is very helpful in preventing our bodies from types of cancers as it works as a shield to safeguard the normal cells of the body. Some research has shown the benefits of lemongrass in curing skin cancer as it is equipped with various anti-cancerous properties.

Cancerous cells that can cause hepatic cancer, such as breast cancer can be prevented by the consumption of lemongrass as it has Citral, a nutrient that can prevent the growth and expansion of these cells.

Diabetes Support

With the help of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of lemongrass, diabetes can be controlled as lemongrass helps in lowering blood glucose levels. Lemongrass has Citral that has nutrients to help patients suffering from type-2 diabetes. It is extremely useful to maintain the insulin level in the body while keeping balance with the existing glucose level. Many research has shown the positive impact of lemongrass on reducing the impact of diabetes.

Weight Management

Citral, the main active ingredient of lemongrass can help in removing and reversing obesity. It helps the body to channel fat in the form of energy. Lemongrass tea has been suggested by many experts to reduce excess weight as it acts as a natural diuretic. It helps in removing toxins and excess water fat from the body and increases metabolism to aid in fat burning.

Stay Healthy, Stay Fit!

When flavors meet nutrients, they improve health while keeping taste in mind. Lemon grass is an ingredient that has hundreds of nutrients and increases the flavor of various dishes. Incorporating lemon grass in meals such as tea, soups, or curries will save you from a lot of future medical expenses. So don’t think twice and order lemon grass from fresh vegetable delivery in Bangalore. These services will provide you with chopped vegetables delivery anywhere in Bangalore. So don’t let your health wait and order lemon grass from GreenChopper to stay healthy and fit.

Authors Profile

The author of this blog is a content writer with GreenChopper. GreenChopper is a chopped vegetables and fruit supplier delivering veggies as per customers’ requirements anywhere in Bangalore. The company provides Online Vegetables in Bangalore that are ozone-washed, fresh, and organic vegetables and fruits in any quantity, chopping style, and packaging customers want. So don’t wait and opt for Fresh Chopped Vegetables delivery in Bangalore from GreenChopper.

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