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How Can You Tell If Your Soil Is Getting Enough Moisture?
Soil moisture can vary wildly on the same plot of land, but how can you tell if your soil is getting enough water and if it has enough moisture to keep your plants and trees healthy?
In this video, one of our expert arborists, David Anderson, checks out several plots of land in the same yard to show you how much moisture can very and how you can tell if your yard is getting enough water.
How Can You Tell If Your Soil Is Getting Enough Moisture?
Soil moisture can vary wildly on the same plot of land, but how can you tell if your soil is getting enough water and if it has enough moisture to keep your plants and trees healthy?
In this video, one of our expert arborists, David Anderson, checks out several plots of land in the same yard to show you how much moisture can very and how you can tell if your yard is getting enough water.