Will My All-on-4 Teeth Feel Natural?

Making the decision to opt for dental implants, particularly the All-on-4 system, is a significant one. Many potential patients often wonder how their new set of teeth will feel once the procedure is complete. If you're considering the All-on-4 solution with Next Smile Australia, it's only natural to question whether your new teeth will indeed feel "natural". 


Understanding the All-on-4 System


First, it's essential to grasp what the All-on-4 system entails. The procedure involves placing four dental implants in one jawbone (upper or lower), onto which a full-arch prosthesis is anchored. This ensures a stable, fixed solution that doesn't shift or move like traditional dentures might.




The Initial Adjustment Period


Upon receiving your All-on-4 implants, there will inevitably be an adjustment period. As with any dental procedure, your mouth will need time to adapt to the new additions. During the first few days or weeks, you might notice a difference in sensation, particularly when biting or chewing. However, as time passes, many patients report that these implants begin to feel more and more like their natural teeth.


Biting and Chewing


One of the standout benefits of the All-on-4 system is the restoration of biting and chewing functionality. Traditional dentures can often limit the types of food one can comfortably eat. With All-on-4 implants, patients frequently find that they can enjoy a broader range of foods without discomfort. As the mouth adjusts, biting and chewing become more natural, closely mirroring the experience of using real teeth.


Maintenance and Care


The way you care for your All-on-4 implants is somewhat similar to natural teeth. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are essential. This routine not only ensures the longevity of your implants but also contributes to them feeling more integrated and natural in your daily life.


Speech and Comfort


For some, traditional dentures can influence speech patterns or cause discomfort. The All-on-4 implants are designed to fit seamlessly and securely, minimising any speech interference. Over time, as you adapt to your new teeth, speaking will feel as natural as it did with your original teeth.


Aesthetic Appeal


Beyond just the feel, All-on-4 teeth are designed to look like natural teeth. This aesthetic match boosts confidence, allowing wearers to smile, laugh, and engage socially without any reservations about the appearance of their teeth.


While there might be a brief adjustment period following the procedure, All-on-4 implants from Next Smile Australia are designed to provide a sensation that's remarkably close to having natural teeth. With proper care and regular dental visits, you can enjoy the combination of aesthetics and functionality that feels genuinely natural.

Posted in Other on November 08 at 03:35 AM

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