No matter if it be divorce, separation, child custody arrangements or financial support arrangements, our family lawyers have you covered. They are experienced and compassionate professionals.

We specialize in low cost legal services, such as unbundled representation with hourly legal assistance at our standard hourly rate. In addition, we can help find other low cost resources.

Divorce is a process designed to end marriage and set out the details for custody, visitation, support and property division. Settlement may occur via mediation or court trial. A Werribee divorce lawyer may also be granted based on grounds other than fault such as irreconcilable differences or irretrievable breakdown.

As part of filing for divorce, it is necessary to present or serve copies of your petition and supporting documents to both partners in an effort to comply with statutory requirements for serving them. Once this step has been accomplished, proof of service documents must be filed with the court as evidence that this process has taken place successfully.

Pointcookfamilylawyer offers services for residents in Melbourne seeking help with divorce, custody and family law matters. Pointcook family lawyer specializes in using collaborative legal methods to resolve disputes efficiently.

If you and your spouse decide to separate, a separation agreement should be created as soon as possible. This legal document details key aspects of your separation such as custody/visitation arrangements, child support payments and potential property disputes.

Divorce requires at least 12 months of living apart from each other, or at least an agreement reached during a trial separation, as a basis to draft a marital settlement agreement should you decide to end your marriage. Permanent separations can occur without court intervention if both partners believe there is no chance of reconciling again; our Legal Help Topics offers more details.
Child Custody

Child custody is an emotionally and financially challenging aspect of any divorce, determining where a child resides and who makes decisions regarding their upbringing. Courts generally make their ruling based on what's best for the child.

Courts take several factors into consideration when making custody decisions, including which parent was the primary caretaker of their children and whether or not they can demonstrate they can fulfil custody duties effectively. They may give preference to parents who can demonstrate they can fulfill this role effectively.

Parents should try their best to reach an agreement between themselves regarding custody and access themselves whenever possible; this will likely be less stressful and expensive than going through court. If this proves impossible, a family lawyer or mediator can help come up with an ideal arrangement.
Child Support

Child support is money that noncustodial parents owe the custodial parent in order to cover basic needs for their children. A court formula determines how much child support must be paid each month; both parties must submit income information and expenses when providing evidence before it.

Family law attorneys often advise their clients about issues related to child support and maintenance payments, helping them negotiate an agreement between themselves, their spouses or other family members if an agreement cannot be reached; otherwise the courts will hold hearings to decide the matter after an impasse exists; child support payments typically continue until legal emancipation takes place, typically when children reach 21 years old.
Property Settlement

Married couples and de facto partners may agree on property settlement arrangements outside the court system, subject to a 12-month deadline.

Starting the divorce process involves exchanging financial disclosures (a list of assets and debts). Each spouse owes their partner a fiduciary duty that requires them to disclose fully all interests they possess both jointly or individually in community assets as well as separate ones.

An expert may be required to assess certain assets such as professional practices, investment portfolios and real estate holdings. When making its determination regarding asset distribution fair, courts evaluate each party's earning capacity and financial stability while taking into consideration children's needs and demands - usually leading to either a property settlement agreement or court-determined order.
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