In the realm of superhero cinema, few characters are as iconic as Wolverine, and Hugh Jackman's portrayal of the adamantium-clawed mutant is etched into the annals of film history. However, one particular movie in the Wolverine saga, "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," released on May 1, 2009, faced a barrage of criticisms. Despite the film's shortcomings, one element managed to escape the critical crossfire and become a fashion symbol in its own right – the Wolverine Jacket. In this article, we'll explore the journey of the Wolverine Jacket beyond the cinematic critique, delving into its real-world impact and how it has become a coveted item among fans.

Despite the cinematic critique, "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" opened at the top of the North American box office, showcasing the enduring popularity of the character. The film grossed an impressive $179 million in the United States and Canada and an even more staggering $373.1 million worldwide. Wolverine's presence on the big screen, coupled with the enduring popularity of the character's distinctive jacket, highlights the resonance of superheroes in popular culture.

The cinematic journey of Wolverine did not end with "X-Men Origins." Subsequent films, "The Wolverine" (2013) and "Logan" (2017), further explored the character's depth and added layers to his story. Each installment brought a new evolution to Wolverine's character, and the iconic jacket continued to play a role in shaping his on-screen persona.

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