Laminate vs. Linoleum: Which is Better?

Laminate and linoleum are two popular flooring options that are often compared to each other. Both materials have their own advantages and disadvantages, so the choice between them depends on your individual needs and budget -


Laminate is a composite material that consists of several layers. The top layer is a decorative paper that imitates natural wood, stone, or other materials. The bottom layer is a base of MDF or HDF.

Laminate has the following advantages:

high strength - it withstands loads well, so it is suitable for any room, even with high traffic;
ease of installation - it can be installed yourself, without special equipment;
wide selection of designs - it is available in a wide range of designs, so you can choose the right option for any interior.

However, laminate also has some disadvantages:

instability to moisture - laminate cannot be laid in rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom or kitchen;
low thermal conductivity - laminate is a poor conductor of heat, so it can be cold to walk on.


Linoleum is made from a mixture of natural and synthetic materials. Linoleum can be plain, patterned, or even with a photo print.

Linoleum has the following advantages:

moisture resistance - it can be laid in rooms with high humidity;
thermal conductivity - it conducts heat well, so it will not be cold to walk on;
softness - it is soft and pleasant to the touch.

However, linoleum also has some disadvantages:

can deform under heavy load;
must be laid by a professional, as it requires certain skills;
is available in a smaller range of designs than laminate.

Which material is better?

If you are looking for a strong and durable flooring option that is suitable for any room, then laminate is a good option. However, if you need a moisture-resistant and warm floor that will not be cold to walk on, then linoleum is a more suitable option.
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However, while linoleum is generally more expensive than laminate, I usually choose laminate More seriously, thank you for having posted your blog.