Everyone has different needs and reasons for wanting to participate in a church. Even though you don’t know yet, they believe that God knows you, loves you and can give your life a better direction if you draw closer to Him.

Feel closer to God
You may have a question or need advice on something important. Maybe you need to feel that God loves and is there for you. As you listen to the talks and study the teachings of Jesus Christ, you will have opportunities to receive inspiration from God and thus feel closer to Him. He wants to communicate with you; the Church is a place to hear His voice in your mind and heart.
Participate in the Lord’s Supper (or Communion)
You can participate in the Lord’s Supper (communion) in the Church. As they keep this commandment each week at Church, they ponder, pray, and remember what Jesus Christ has done for them. Ethiopian Church Edmonton commit to following him and seeking inspiration on how you can be more like him.
Church services teach and enlighten us.
Ethiopia Edmonton Church gives you the guide to follow God, increases your spirituality and makes us better people. You can be edified by other believers and by the opportunity to serve and worship. You can also feel the Holy Spirit, who gives us “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, and faith”.
Feel connected, supported and understood.

You can make friends, have a sense of belonging, and have a support network to rely on. The community of the Church helps us to “mourn with those who mourn; yea, and to comfort them that need comfort.”
Learn from the living prophets.
In addition to the scriptures, they look to the living prophets and apostles to guide you. Although you can hear from them every Sunday, you have the opportunity to do so at least twice a year at Gospel Chapel Ethiopia Church Edmonton gathering they call General Conference. Living prophets teach you to keep Jesus Christ first in your lives in such a chaotic world and give you the spiritual guidance you need to face today’s problems.
- Help your spiritual growth: The church is where every believer learns to pray, where the word of God nourishes you through pastors and leaders and where they can work for God in his work.
- You are built up through people and testimonies: Establishing friendships and good relationships with brothers in the body of Christ is beneficial since you can build each other up, and experiences recounted in the form of testimony encourage us to move forward and to continue believing.
Let’s get clear on the fact that it is satan who wants us to stop congregating; remember that every Christian is a torment for the kingdom of darkness since they were called to ruin its plans; Therefore, by leaving the church, they expose themselves to stop growing spiritually, cool down and even distance yourselves from God. Ethiopia Amharic Church will help you to grow spiritually and mentally.