What makes a good IELTS study guide?

Making or sticking to a study timetable may seem like much extra work. But doing so will help speed up your IELTS preparation. Making a study program can help you stay on track for the IELTS and prevent you from forcing yourself to study at the last minute. Besides, a well-thought-out study strategy can help you identify your academic strengths and shortcomings.

How should I prepare for a new IELTS timetable?

Before creating the schedule or study plan, you need to do some preliminary investigation. The first step in preparing for the IELTS is familiarizing yourself with the test's structure, process, and tasks. If you want an accurate estimate of your IELTS score, you should familiarize yourself with the test's scoring system. Read our articles for more information about the IELTS exam and how your score is determined. The next step is to get an excellent IELTS study aid,. We at Sahara Edulive, one of the best IELTS Training institutes in Al Nahda, Dubai might be able to assist you there.

Tips for Creating an IELTS Prep Course:

Make a plan:

Creating a target for yourself is the initial step. Use the entry requirements at your top choice universities as a starting point for your aim.

Find your weak spots:

Before finalizing the plan, you can assess your level with a full-length practice exam. Then you'll learn where you excel and where you need improvement. Some pupils, for instance, have superior listening and speaking skills. Even within the same section, you'll do better on some question categories. Learn where you stand on the IELTS with our full-length practice exams.

Make a schedule for regular sessions:

The hardest part of creating an IELTS study plan is tailoring it to your needs. Some advice you can utilize is below.

The first step is to locate some downtime. It is possible to prepare for the IELTS in as little as one or two hours daily, even if you have a full course load or a demanding job. The best time to study for the exam is during the weekend.

Next, think about how much time you have until your test (yet another incentive to sign up for the IELTS and begin studying immediately!). A three-month study plan will seem different from a one-month strategy. If you don't have much time to study for the IELTS, you should prioritize working on your weaker areas. Suppose you already have a strong foundation in listening and reading. In that case, you may focus on improving your speaking and writing skills during the week.,and taking full-length practice examinations on the weekends. We at Sahara Edulive, the best IELTS institute in Dubai, have experienced teachers who design a plan for your IELTS preparation. Our plan consists from the start of your course till you give your final exam.

Academic vs General Training IELTS: Differences?

The Academic IELTS:

The target audience for the Academic IELTS is college students. they are those who wish to enroll in schools or programs where English is used as the language of instruction. Also, many people in the working world and those seeking employment may find that they must submit test scores from this version.

The field of medicine is one example. You must take the Academic IELTS to practice medicine in Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, or Canada. This test version is necessary for many careers in the medical field, such as doctors, nurses, chemists, and even hospital lab technicians.

The IELTS for General Training:

If you want to enter Canada, the United States, Ireland, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, etc., for general immigration purposes, you should utilize the general training version. 

The criteria are not restricted to the immigration context, though. Multinational organizations use General Training IELTS scores to measure a candidate's English skill. So, test takers can sometimes use their score reports to help them land a job.

A Two-Version, Four-Skill Set Format:

The general structure of the test is the same in both editions. Whatever format you choose, you will be evaluated on your ability to read, write, listen, and talk in English. The listening and speaking parts are identical. Both the academic and general training versions of the IELTS have the same structure and types of questions.

Both of the remaining parts follow the same basic structure. The reading and writing sections consist of 40 questions based on prescribed texts, and both have two writing tasks. 

Comparison of IELTS Academic and General Training Content:

English reading abilities must be at a level that allows the reader to comprehend articles, textbooks, and industry-specific periodicals to succeed in higher education and the workforce. The Academic IELTS tests students' ability to understand and test information presented in this format using authentic texts from these sources.  The version-specific writing assignments provide sample subjects for various educational and professional contexts. College-level essay writing in English requires a certain level of skill. Thus, that will be tested.

Members of the General Training Examinees of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) will be exposed to real-world contexts and real workplace languages. Such as that found in advertising, guides, magazines, notices, and employee manuals. Candidates will be evaluated on their ability to write simple essays and letters in English. If you are looking for an IELTS training center in Dubai, then Sahara Edulive is the right place to be. We offer classes for IELTS courses in Dubai for all those who like to get placed in international schools abroad.

IELTS training center in Dubai:

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the benchmark for education, job, and immigration opportunities in English-speaking countries. The exam rates your English proficiency on a scale from 1 to 9. Our IELTS training in Dubai includes all four areas of the exam, including actual practice tests, test-taking strategies, and advice. Now is the time to start preparing for the IELTS exam in Dubai.

Sahara Edulive is one of the Best IELTS Training Institute in Al Nahda, with highly qualified instructors that can help you do your best on the standardized test you've chosen for admission. Our school offers IELTS Preparation Dubai, where students can prepare for the IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training exams. Reading, writing, listening, and communicating are all examined. Students applying to schools in English-speaking countries typically take either the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic or IELTS General Training exam. You can take an IELTS coaching in Dubai.

The International English Language Testing System is used by people who want to study abroad or immigrate to a country where English is spoken. The IELTS General Training course is best for newcomers to the United States, while the Academic Training course is best for professionals and academics.

It's like a language exam. Therefore, it tests your linguistic proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

Both academic institutions and public schools provide instruction in listening and speaking skills. The exam lasts 2 hours and 45 minutes total, with 40 minutes devoted to listening, 1 hour to reading/writing, and 15 minutes speaking. This test has two sections, a reading section and an audio section, each consisting of 40 questions. The speaking segment has three tasks, while the writing section has two. The Sahara Edulive IELTS course in Dubai is the greatest option for anyone in the Al Nahda area trying to improve their English language skills.

Posted in Professional blogs on June 10 at 01:20 AM

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  • James B Watson