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Energeia is a weight loss supplement that claims to help you lose 48lbs, on average.

By taking two capsules of Energeia daily, you can purportedly lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time by targeting the root cause of weight management problems: lipase deficiency.

Does Energeia live up to the hype? How does Energeia work? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about the new weight loss supplement and its effects today in our review.

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What is Energeia?

Energeia is a nutritional supplement designed to help you lose weight. It contains a proprietary blend of natural ingredients that have excellent fat-burning properties. The supplement makes you lose weight quickly and efficiently without having to starve yourself. It is formulated to curb the action of thrifty genes in your body to enhance your body’s natural fat-shedding abilities.

#comment-4678">Energeia takes an all-inclusive approach to treating obesity. It helps you lose weight naturally by addressing the underlying causes of obesity, i.e., genetic factors, food addiction, insulin resistance, imbalance of appetite-controlling hormones, stress, etc. It helps your body reach a healthy balance of stored and burned calories while improving your resting energy expenditure, i.e., increasing the number of calories you burn while your body is at rest.

How Does Energeia Work?

As you get older, it becomes harder to lose weight. Energeia is designed to reverse this effect, targeting something called metabolic resistance.

Here’s how the makers of Energeia explain metabolic resistance and how it works:

“It’s when the body has a harder time breaking down fat as we age. Every single year…our body has to work harder to burn off excess fat.”

Some people think they have a slow metabolism, and they blame their slow metabolism for poor weight loss results.

However, a slow metabolism isn’t always the cause of your weight gain: it’s easy to blame your metabolism for weight gain, but it’s not the root cause of your problem.

Energeia is designed to work by targeting the root cause of Energeia: metabolic resistance caused by lipase deficiency. By replenishing your lipase enzyme levels, Energeia can help you rapidly lose weight with zero effort required. Just take the natural ingredients in Energeia daily to replenish your lipase stores, then let the formula get to work.

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Energeia Benefits

According to the official website, Energeia can help you lose significant weight without changing your diet or exercise routine.

In fact, the makers of Energeia claim “you don’t have to do any exercise,” while taking Energeia. Instead, you can rapidly lose weight without a minute of exercise and without counting your calories.

A good diet and exercise program can help you lose 1-2lbs per week, on average. However, the makers of Energeia claim you can lose up to 2lbs each day with Energeia without adjusting your diet or exercise habits.

Here are some of the advertised benefits of the weight loss supplement, according to the official website:

  • Lose weight at any age
  • Drop up to 2lbs per day or 14lbs every 2 weeks
  • The older you are, the faster it works
  • Avoid changing your diet and continue to eat whatever you like
  • No need to do any excess or count a single calorie
  • Boost energy, clear mental fog, and enjoy other benefits

Overall, Energeia claims to be the ultimate weight loss aid, helping to provide powerful fat burning results to men and women of all ages.

Scientific Evidence for Energeia

The makers of Energeia do not cite any scientific studies to validate the claims made on the official website. Although Energeia has not completed clinical trials to verify it works, the individual ingredients within the formula have been connected to weight loss results in some studies. We’ll review that evidence below.

First, the makers of Energeia claim to have partnered with a medical doctor living in Furore, Italy to create Energeia. Furore, Italy is a town on the Amalfi Coast of Italy. It’s called “the town that doesn’t exist” because it has no center or main piazza and lies in a rugged part of the coast – yet it attracted many people over the years seeking to escape society.

Like most of Italy, Furore has high longevity compared to the rest of the world. People in Furore tend to live longer and be healthier than the average person in the world. John, Beth, and the doctor who helped create Energeia claim to have sourced the ingredients from the region around Furore. Because of its roots in Italy, Energeia is described as an “exotic Italian loophole [that] destroys fat overnight” on the official website.

Purple tea may help with weight loss because it contains GHG, a natural antioxidant. Although Energeia does not claim to contain GHG from purple tea, it does claim to contain GHG. In a 2015 study, researchers found purple tea extract suppressed diet-induced fat accumulation in mice and human subjects by inhibiting fat absorption. The ingredients in purple tea – including GHG – appeared to block the absorption of fat into the body, helping you maintain a healthy weight.

Nigella sativa, also known as black seed or black cumin, has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. One review study, published in a peer-reviewed medical journal, found black cumin had anti-inflammatory effects and could help people with auto-immune disorders and metabolic syndrome. Black cumin also has antimicrobial and anti-epileptic properties. Plus, researchers have not identified any side effects linked to Nigella sativa.

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Energeia Ingredients:

#Purple Tea

A genetic mutation of tea plants, purple tea is sourced from green tea plants in Kenya. It is replete with anthocyanins, water-soluble vacuolar pigments with powerful antioxidant properties. Anthocyanins help fight oxidative cell damage and certain types of inflammation. Purple tea also has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, and anesthetic properties that provide a wide range of health benefits, e.g., improved heart health, better skin appearance, enhanced cognitive function, healthy metabolism, etc.

Purple tea aids in weight loss by triggering your body’s natural fat-shedding mechanisms. It inhibits the oxidation of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol or bad cholesterol. This helps promote healthy cardiac function and high metabolic activity, which allows you to lose weight faster.

Purple tea leaves are rich in metabolism-boosting chemicals, including theobromine, epigallocatechin (ECG), epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), and GHG. GHG is a distinct type of polyphenol that is not present in other tea varieties, e.g., green tea. GHG helps suppress fat absorption in the body, thereby reducing abdominal fat and body weight.

#Green Tea Leaf Extract

One of the minor processed types of tea, green tea, is infused with potent antioxidants and polyphenols. For centuries, it has been used in Indian and Chinese folk medicine to treat wounds, indigestion, fevers, bleeding, headaches, and specific heart problems. Due to its antioxidant-rich content helps promote skin health, aids in weight loss, and improves your body’s cardiovascular function.

Green tea leaf extract contains caffeine, catechins, and other metabolism-boosting chemicals. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the most abundant catechin in tea, interferes with hormonal activity within your body to stimulate fat breakdown in the adipose tissue (fatty tissue), which helps mobilize fat from fat cells. EGCG inhibits the enzyme’s catalytic activity that breaks down norepinephrine, a fat-burning hormone that releases fat into the bloodstream. Increased levels of norepinephrine have impressive effects on your metabolism.

Caffeine and EGCG work synergistically to increase your body’s metabolic rate and trigger natural fat-burning processes. Regular consumption of green tea can help you burn up to 100 extra calories every day.

#Garcinia Cambogia Extract

A tropical fruit, more commonly known as Malabar tamarind, Garcinia aids in weight loss by suppressing your appetite and boosting metabolism. It also helps regulate your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. The peel of Garcinia Cambogia is rich in hydroxycitric acid that helps prevent fat storage in the body by inhibiting the catalytic activity of citrate lyase. This enzyme facilitates the production of fat in your body. Additionally, the fruit contains several chemicals that interfere with appetite-controlling hormones, i.e., ghrelin and leptin, to suppress your appetite. Garcinia extract is also known to improve exercise performance and prevent fatigue by limiting stored energy by the muscle cells.

#Caralluma Fimbriata

An edible cactus grown abundantly in India, Caralluma Fimbriata supports weight loss in multiple ways. The succulent plant has been widely used as an anti-obesity drug in traditional Indian and African medicine. Caralluma Fimbriata is filled with anorectics, compounds that reduce appetite to cause lower food consumption.

Due to its appetite-suppressing effects, c. Fimbriata extract has recently been used in modern medicine to curb compulsive overeating in children and adolescents. The appetite-suppressants present in the plant extract fills up space in your stomach to help you reach satiation. Additionally, it also helps build endurance and suppress thirst.

#Nigella Sativa Extract

More commonly known as black cumin, nigella sativa is a flowering plant whose seeds provide many therapeutic benefits. Nigella sativa extract has been used in folk medicine in Southwest Asia and Northern Africa for over 2,000 years. The oil extracted from the seeds of nigella sativa helps combat oxidative cell damage, lower blood sugar levels, fight neuroinflammation, lower cholesterol levels, and reduce blood pressure levels. Though the exact working mechanism of the black seed oil is unknown, it helps reduce body mass index (BMI) in individuals with obesity, type 2 diabetes, or metabolic syndrome. Topical administration of black seed oil promotes skin and hair health. Oral administration of black seed extract treats certain respiratory conditions, e.g., asthma.

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Energeia Pricing

Energeia is priced at $59 per bottle. However, as part of a 2023 promotion, you can pay as little as $34 or $49 per bottle – and enjoy free shipping – by buying multiple bottles of Energeia online today.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering Energeia online today:

  • 1 Bottle: $59 + $9.99 Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $147 ($49 Per Bottle) + 2 Free Bonuses
  • 6 Bottles: $204 ($34 Per Bottle) + 2 Free Bonuses + Free Shipping

Each bottle of Energeia contains a one month supply of formula, or 60 capsules (30 servings). You take two capsules daily to promote weight loss.

Energeia Refund Policy

Energeia has a 60 day moneyback guarantee. You have 60 days to try the supplement, see if it works, and decide if it’s the right choice for you.

Contact the manufacturer to initiate the refund process.

Final Word

Energeia is a weight loss supplement made using a blend of ingredients native to Furore, Italy, a small town on the Amalfi Coast with famously healthy people and high longevity.

Featuring black cumin, Caralluma fimbriata, and a plant-based antioxidant called GHG, Energeia can purportedly help you lose up to 2lbs per day with zero exercise or dietary changes required.

To learn more about Energeia and how it works or to buy the supplement online today, visit the official website at

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