Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary

Anthony Teresi Psychic Visionary favorite
Business Type:
3625 E Thousand Oaks Blvd suite 166, Westlake Village, CA 91362, United States
Anthony Teresi is a gifted Clairvoyant, Master Astrologer and Psychic Visionary. His life's work has been the development, refinement, exploration and mastery of the highest intuitive and Psychic realities of consciousness. Anthony has a lifetime of extensive study and experience in the fields of Clairvoyance, Psychic phenomenon, Metaphysics, Cosmology, Mysticism, Theosophy, Ontology, Philosophy, Astrology and Psychology. Exploration of modern emerging scientific studies also include quantum field theory, epi-genetics and neural plasticity. More esoteric studies have included Neo-Egyptology, the study of Ancient civilizations and cultures, as well as the profound Urantia teaching. Anthony’s given gifts allow him to tune in to the realm of Universal Knowing, unlocking the hidden mysteries of existence. This has granted him access to a doorway from Humanity to The Beyond. This Knowing empowers him to See and to Hear and more importantly, to Interpret, Spirit Messages and Inner Truths of the greatest import. Traveling this mystical path, he ultimately expanded and evolved to realize his full destiny as a Psychic, Master Astrologer, Healer, Seer, Empath and Intuit. This journey flowed into cosmic attunement, musical revelations, multi-faceted creativity and artistic expression (see Anthony’s Media page). The melding of all these powerful elements has forged in him a deep insight into the Limitless nature of Being. Simultaneously tapping into these multiple streams of energy, including the Angelic Light surrounding every living being, Anthony unmistakably reveals the way ahead.