Wolfeboro Area Farmers Market

Wolfeboro Area Farmers Market favorite
Business Type:
10 Trotting Track Rd, Wolfeboro, NH 03894, United States

The Wolfeboro Area Farmers Market began in 2002 through the vision of local farmers and citizens who wanted to provide a central venue to sell directly to their neighborhood customers.

The market has, over the years, had several locations, including the front lawn of Carpenter School on Main Street, in front of the croquet court in Clark Plaza on Center Street, and behind the car wash off Pine Street. In 2009, with the help of G.A.L.A. (Global Awareness Local Action), the market moved to its present location in Clark Park on the grounds of the Wolfeboro Historical Society on South Main Street.

Although the location has changed over the years, the support of local customers and citizens has not. As the number and variety of vendors has grown, so has awareness and support by locals and visitors in the Wolfeboro area. In addition, the popularity of our market and others in the area has encouraged local “agri-preneurs” — folks with a passion for growing or preparing local food for a local market and all of the hard work that entails.

In addition to selling locally produced and prepared food, the market has always considered education to be an important goal. Each season in conjunction with our ongoing relationship with G.A.L.A., we provide workshops in home gardening, preparing or preserving local foods, homesteading skills and more.

Come and visit us every Thursday, rain or shine, May through October in Clark Park, to experience the local produce, meats, eggs, honey, maple syrup, preserves, flowers, baked goods, and more! While you’re there enjoy the music of local instrumentalists and visiting string bands, grab a bite to eat or drink or bring the kids to enjoy story hour with local librarians. Our winter market carries the season year-round and moves indoors to the Brookfield Town House Saturdays from November through April.