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  • Fedcap - Augusta ME favorite
  • Not-for-Profit Business
  • 442 Civic Center Dr, Augusta, ME 04330, United States
    Since 1935, The Fedcap Group has developed scalable, innovative and potentially disruptive solutions to some of society’s most pressing needs. We continually refine our capabilities, our talent and how we leverage technology to meet evolving market demands.

    Serving over 250,000+ people each year across an international footprint, the work of the Fedcap Group is structured within four major areas of practice and delivered through a growing number of top-tier companies—each focused on helping people achieve long term economic wellbeing.

    Workforce Development to include job training in high growth sectors, job placement and post placement supports;

    Educational Services for children, youth and adults;

    Occupational Health Services that promote stable participation in the workforce;

    Economic Development targeted to helping people and communities achieve economic equity.

    Each practice area is overseen by a Senior Vice President with national experience and a deep store of knowledge in their area of focus. The work is delivered through the companies of The Fedcap Group, led by Executive Directors with significant local knowledge and extensive operational experience. The companies are supported by a robust central team, providing financial, human resource, technological and engagement support. This matrix structure allows The Fedcap Group to integrate its work across diverse systems and funding streams for greater impact.