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  • Quais são os três C's mais importantes a considerar ao comprar um anel de diamante? Estou pensando em investir em uma peça especial, mas quero ter certeza de que estou fazendo a...

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    Xaqa on February 19 at 10:38 AM in Clothes and Accessories
  • When is the scheduled date for the next Bitcoin halving event? I'm curious about how it might impact the market and mining rewards. Can you provide insights into the expected timing and any potenti...

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    ron 8 on February 19 at 05:03 PM in Other question
  • I'm considering starting a modeling career in Paris and would love some advice. Can anyone share tips or recommendations on how to break into the industry here? I'm eager to learn more about the o...

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    Beryp Sawer on February 20 at 02:52 AM in Travel and Leisure
  • Could you share some effective stress management techniques that have worked for you personally? I often feel overwhelmed and would appreciate any insights or techniques you've found helpful in dea...

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    ron 8 on February 21 at 09:10 AM in Other question
  • Anoche, salí con amigos y parece que he dejado mi teléfono en algún lugar, pero no recuerdo dónde. Estoy desesperado por encontrar su ubicación exacta. ¿Al...

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    Xaqa on February 21 at 09:35 AM in Technologies
  • Hey everyone, I'm in need of some help with writing essay. Does anyone know where I can find a professional writer or service to assist me? Any recommendations or personal experiences with such ser...

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    ron 8 on February 21 at 04:14 PM in Other question
  • Hej alla, jag behöver sömlösa rör för konstruktion, säg mig var kan jag köpa dem?

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    alikaka on February 22 at 10:01 AM in Other question
  • Hey everyone, I'm relatively new to investing and I've been considering putting some money into energy stocks. I'm wondering if anyone has advice on which companies might be good investments in thi...

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    ron 8 on February 22 at 04:00 PM in Other question
  • Hey everyone, I've been reading up on intrauterine pregnancy and the early stages of development. It's fascinating how much happens in those initial weeks. I'm curious, what are some key milestones...

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    Nike Newmann on February 22 at 10:48 PM in Other question
  • I'm curious to know, what are your favorite casino games to play in Africa? Whether it's classic card games like poker and blackjack, or thrilling slots and roulette, I'm eager to hear about your ...

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    Beryp Sawer on February 23 at 04:26 AM in Technologies