I would like to explore some best practices in Power Automate Filter Query feature

I would like to explore some best practices in Power Automate Filter Query feature. What are some best practices when using the Filter Query in Power Automate? Are there any common pitfalls to avoid? Let's learn from each other and enhance our automation workflows!
Natalie Johnson on June 09 at 10:37 AM in Professional Services
2 Answer(s)
  • Indexing columns or fields that are frequently used in filter expressions can enhance the query execution speed.
  • Consider limiting the number of retrieved records by applying filters on indexed fields as early as possible in the Power Automate flow or by using pagination techniques.
  • If performance remains an issue, you might explore using alternative techniques like leveraging batch processing or querying data in smaller chunks.
Kristen Gomez on June 09 at 12:23 PM

The Filter Query can be applied to various data sources such as SharePoint lists, SQL databases, Excel tables, Microsoft Dataverse (formerly Common Data Service), and more. When using the power automate filter query, it's a good practice to start with a simple query and gradually add complexity as needed. This helps ensure that the filter expression is functioning as intended. When dealing with large datasets, applying efficient filters can significantly improve performance.

James Crook on June 09 at 10:45 AM