Air Humidifier

Who has a humidifier? Can you tell me whether it makes sense to buy one? What kind would you recommend? The child often coughs. Thinking of buying one for the bedroom.
reiv on December 06 2022 at 12:23 AM in Other question
8 Answer(s)
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heaty on July 13 2023 at 11:36 PM
A humidifier is a tool that makes the air more humid; it can be used in air-conditioned spaces fall guys and aids users in avoiding respiratory illnesses. tetris unblocked 
Emma Brown on February 13 2023 at 03:16 AM Edited
The Philips Series melon playground 2000 Air Humidifier with NanoCloud helps maintain a comfortable atmosphere at home, evenly distributing humidified air.
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June Freed on December 11 2022 at 03:02 PM
We have had a humidifier for over a year now! It is just a necessary thing , especially for children. After buying it, the quality of sleep has improved, the problem of dry mouth and fart in the throat has disappeared. This device is able to effectively and regularly provide normal humidity in the room. The process of using a humidifier is simple: pour purified or distilled water into the tank, plug the device into the outlet and that's it! 
lina232 on December 06 2022 at 12:24 PM
We use an ultrasonic AIR Comfort humidifier - a super thing, I recommend it. Pluses: stylish design; high humidifying efficiency; shows the humidity and temperature in the room; automatic control; you can use different aromatic oils.
ron 8 on December 06 2022 at 11:45 AM