At Bruce's Healthy Dog Treats we understand the vital importance of nutritious dog treats. Both dogs and cats evolved to eat meat, and meat-based treats address the low meat percentage in most commercial dog food.This is why Bruce sources his shop's Australian pet treats from very specific Australian pet treat companys. Our "about us" page explains more about what healthy treats for dogs really mean. Branding is nothing without substance. You may not know our brand yet, but when you do, you will find that we only sell the healthiest and best quality treats with 80% meat or 100% meat (biscuits and yogurt/ carob excepted) !

Treats for dogs are delightful rewards that play a vital role in canine training and bonding. These delectable morsels come in various forms, including biscuits, chewy bites, and dental sticks, tailored to cater to diverse preferences and dietary needs. High-quality dog treats are made from wholesome ingredients, promoting a healthy and balanced diet. They serve as positive reinforcement during obedience training, reinforcing desired behaviors and strengthening the human-canine bond. Specialized treats, such as dental chews, help maintain oral hygiene. However, moderation is key to prevent obesity or digestive issues. Thoughtful treat-giving enhances a dog's

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Treats for dogs is a very important topic, because in fact the choice of these products is quite large, but pet owners know that most of them are not just treats, but poison for our animals, so you need to choose carefully. Just as carefully selected henkelion pet carrier, offers carriers for different sizes of animals