Ancient India Indus Valley civilization was one of the earliest civilizations in world history – located in the north-western region of the Indian subcontinent. Its rise and fall from the first great chapter in the history of ancient India. The Indus Valley is contemporary with the civilizations of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt.

The civilization is famous for its large and well-planned cities with more than 1052 cities and settlements have been found. Most of these are small, but amongst them are some of the largest cities of their time, especially Harappa and Mohenko-Daro.

The ancient India Indus Valley civilization covered most of what is today Pakistan and the Indian States of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana, and Punjab. Settlements that were closely related to the core civilization and may have been colonies of it – have been found in Afghanistan and central Asia. The huge Indus river system waters a rich agricultural landscape; while the plain is surrounded by high mountains, desert and ocean and at that time there were dense forests and swamps to the east.

Why TimeMaps to Know About the Ancient Indus Valley Civilization

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TimeMaps is the perfect tool for teachers and students. Whether you want to know about the ancient India Indus Valley civilization or rich history of India, TimeMaps has been providing engaging and powerful ways for students to understand the past. This platform is ideal to support world history programs in school and colleges. You will get a highly visual approach – helping students quickly and easily grasp the histories of different regions.

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