adam created a new blog entry
What is a great alternative to 7-Zip on Mac?
You have a question, how to open a 7z Mac archive on a computer? There is a simple answer to this question, since Mac does not have its own archiver, you need to install an additional program....
When searching for a robust alternative to 7-Zip on Mac, consider exploring the efficient capabilities of The Unarchiver. Renowned for its versatility and user-friendly interface, it seamlessly handles a multitude of archive formats, ensuring hassle-free extraction and compression tasks. Whether dealing with ZIP, RAR, or TAR files, The Unarchiver excels in swiftly unpacking contents with precision. Moreover, for those seeking additional functionalities beyond mere archiving, exploring torrent cl...  more
adam created a new blog entry
What is the best archiving utility for Mac?
Whether or not file archivers are an essential utility for matching native file sizes. macOS is capable of decompressing ZIP files, but if you want to use other popular archive formats like RAR,...
adam created a new blog entry
Ways to connect to Amazon C3?
If you need a reliable, easy and trouble-free connection to Amazon C3, then I want to inform you that the best option is to install an additional program on your computer. So one of the best and...
adam created a new blog entry
Best ways to mount Amazon S3 on Mac?
If you want to have quick access to your cloud storage, then for this you need additional software that has access to Amazon's powerful cloud service.Commander One will help you - a comprehensive...