Navigating Thyroid in Pregnancy: A Balancing Act

Pregnancy is a time of incredible change, and your thyroid is no exception. This tiny gland plays a crucial role in your body's metabolism, impacting everything from your mood to your baby's development.

Understanding the Shift:
Pregnancy naturally increases your body's demand for thyroid hormones.
This can lead to fluctuations in your normal thyroid levels in pregnancy.

Why it Matters:
Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid): Can increase the ...  more
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IVF Treatment Specialist

IVF Specialists guide couples through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), a complex process of creating a pregnancy in a lab.
Expertise: Ovulation induction: Stimulating egg production.
Egg retrieval: Safely extracting eggs.
Sperm preparation: Preparing sperm for fertilization.
Embryo transfer: Placing fertilized eggs in the uterus.
Key qualities: Patience, empathy, and a deep understanding of reproductive medicine.

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