A FedEx user has a 9-digit account number used to charge their shipment. Besides, it is also used to get an advantage from the time-critical speed of FedEx Express services and cost savings related to FedEx ground services.
If you are looking forward to getting your FedEx account number, it is available under My Profile in your FedEx account. In addition, you can also call the FedEx Phone Number and speak to the FedEx team directly to get help accessing your account. Check out the details here if you cannot find the FedEx account number.
Various ways to get your FedEx account number
Get your account number by login:
Head to the fedex.com and click on the 'Sign up or Log In'
You need to log in to your FedEx account using the credentials.
Go to the option 'My Profile' from the dropdown menu.
Choose 'Account Management,' and you can access your 'Account Number.'
If the account number is not visible or hidden, go back to the page 'Create Shipment,' and you can see the account number there.
Contact the FedEx support team:
You can also speak to the FedEx support team directly and request them to help you find your account number. Provide the details FedEx executives ask for, and soon, they will confirm your account number. There are several ways to contact FedEx; you can call them, send an email, chat with them, or contact them on various social media handles.
Check your FedEx billing or invoice:
You can check your billing statement and invoice if none of the above options work. Your FedEx account number must be listed on top or bottom.
Conclusion: There are several ways to find your FedEx account number. You can find it by logging into your account, contacting the FedEx team, or on the invoice or billing. Besides, call the FedEx Phone Number if you still need assistance.