What I would recommend is I would employ fishing to cook at a level and then all the meats especially things like boar meat, clams and boar meat items that are common you know, one to 450 guides are sold through the Auction House when I'm leveling up a new character cooking meat typically funds the character it's actually crazy like people will go on an instructional guide and suggest I require 40 boards meet and let's go the auction houses to purchase the item at whatever price.

This is week one but if that makes sense like don't waste the meats that you're getting do not sell them. utilize fishing to help level your cooking

That's a good thing.

I'm referring to what you're saying once you're when you're fishing from wrecks and other debris also and you're getting the crates that have got stuff in I mean you could even find mining supplies and stuff like that which I love. I truly enjoy fishing as a means of getting getting gold but the reason behind it is, as I mentioned earlier, when I talked about being able to just turn off stream and just relax watching Netflix and, well, just setting the sound alerts to ensure that the fishing noise is very high.

And it just sat watching TV, or maybe something you've seen or maybe on the stream deck while you're fishing. It's a great opportunity to be a part of the same mindless gold

This is a great point that it breaks up the grind and you can do it semi-AFK

Yeah, absolutely.
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