Trina Storage, a global leader in energy storage solutions, proudly announces its inclusion in the prestigious BNEF Energy Storage Tier 1 List for Q1 2024. BNEF, a globally recognized industry research organization in new energy, upholds stringent criteria for Tier 1 recognition, requiring a brand to supply or be contracted for a minimum of six projects exceeding 1 megawatt or 1 megawatt-hour over the past two years, owned by independent entities. Trina Storage's achievement highlights its commitment to providing advanced energy storage solutions globally, demonstrating excellence in product reliability and market relevance.

Trina Storage's success is grounded in its strategically established vertically integrated industrial chain, showcasing full-stack research capabilities from battery cell to system development. The company's production bases in Changzhou, Chuzhou, and Dafeng exemplify robust intelligent factories, characterized by stringent production controls, proficient lean management, and advanced digital systems. Executive President Helena Li expresses excitement about the Tier 1 Energy Storage designation, validating technological prowess and dedication to global energy storage projects.

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