To learn just how eight participants’ second languages have benefitted their employments, we chatted with them.


We can’t even prevent ourselves from sharing, appreciating and raising awareness of the benefits of learning languages. Of course, This is School would not be here today if founder George had not personally embarked on his language learning path (check out this part of our story here!).


Still, it’s a little embarrassing – much as we’d like to be a universal motivation for people to begin their paths – to say, regretfully, that this just isn’t possible.


Thus, we decided to address people from various fields and to ask them to explain how more languages have benefited them.


And here's what we found out


On a weekly basis, teaching languages helps to fuel the online teaching career.

Indeed, as an Italian with the gift of polylingualism my career depends on languages more than a movie director depends on this invention. I have personally tutored one-on-one in a via web, have translated japanese, chinese, and korean to Italian, and I created an App for learning Italian language, Think in Italian. Being a multilingual person has really helped me to create a niche for myself as a teacher, translator as well as an entrepreneur online.


Stefano Lodola, Owner, Language Course Author, Polyglot, Think Languages, LLC


French skills raising opportunity promotion opportunities

Learning French did not secure me the job as such, however, being conversant in the second language, intermediate French has been more than helpful in the current employment and was very central in taking a promotion.Go figure, but I nearly did not apply for this job because the advertisement called for an individual who is fluent in both English and French. I never thought I was bilingual but I recall reading an article that said while men will apply for a job that matches them 60 percent they will do so only if women met 100 percent proficiencies required. Because of this, I made a decision not to allow whatever language deficiency I thought I had, compel me, just like a man would not do.


Lahaina Taboso, Marketing Director Precious Abacan, Softlist

Multilingualism broadens up the employment prospects.

Learning different languages has been a plus factor while practicing my career. This language proficiency has not only added a new dimension of horizons into my life, but also, as well as creating a sea of opportunities. Their multicultural communication with the clients and their peer as well as subordinates has been significantly improved. I actually get to cultivate a better understanding on cultural differences – a factor that actually helps in creating better working relations – hence, better working results. My language skills have also ensured that get a wider option of the areas of working in my career path. I have thus managed to get jobs that expect someone to be competent in more than one language, this translates to more responsibilities, faster promotion and higher pay. The global economy is focusing more and more on, therefore, staffing employees with a diverse language ability is proving to be invaluable; my multilingualism are added advantage. In addition to all the utilitarian gains, the study of language has added immensely to the quality of my life.  Exploring the world has become more realistic and interesting as I can communicate with the locals speaking the same language and realize how they live.

Wow, Awesome Hibachi Restaurant, this is really interesting, we have Come on, Awesome Hibachi here we have Alex Cornici, he is the Director of Marketing.


I have been working in the legal-funding business, and learning Spanish was highly valuable for that job. Quite a number of clients we transact business with are Spanish speaking people and being able to speak to them in their language has helped to establish credibility and enhance our service delivery. Another thing that reallytiles me is to realize how deep the understanding of a client’s language actually is; it is not only words, but it is also culture. Having the capability to speak to clients in Spanish has made me find a way to bond with them. This connection has also improved the clients we handle in such a way that we get better results for our business and improves the reputation of our business. To anyone who is interested in acquiring another language then Spanish should be the language of choice because it is widely used in the United States. It creates new prospects and lets you find new customers or clients. Spend more time practicing to converse in the language, engage often with the native speakers and listen to music and news.


Jared Stern is a Managing Member of Uplift Legal Funding.

French Knowledge Makes Culture Roots Deeper

Doing my lessons in French helped me appreciate the variations in culture and ethics in various French speaking communities. It has also helped broaden the perspective in cultivation of good relations within and between colleagues from different cultures and clients. By appreciating their traditions and norms, as well as believing in them, it became easier for me to contribute to the global projects without offending people’s opinion. As compared to other students I have learned that it is easier to engage people on cultural level hence making talks and teamwork to run more appropriately.


Timothy Allen, Director, Oberheiden P.C.

The Mandarin Language Strengthens Profitability of Locksmithing Companies

While working for a locksmith company and as a CEO of KeyZoo knowing the Mandarin has made it easier to deal with many clients, partners and employees of different origin. To begin with, it had brought a new domain of opportunity through its offering of Mandarin speaking service. As I have had an understanding of the language I have also had a hint of what my Chinese speaking clients are going through and some of the issues they may need to endure to get assistance hence I have had to offer them services of getting assistance. This has not only made customers happy but also made them to trust and make successive deals with the locksmith, a major secret to achieving in locksmith business due to its sensitivity in the security aspect. Secondly and most importantly, Mandarin is highly useful especially when it comes to business especially suppliers and manufacturers. A lot of high quality locksmith products and technologies come from China and speaking the language directly has made our procurement to be easier. It has also minimized misunderstanding, has shortened the cycle of procurement and in most cases has led to improvement of the price and conditions for business and in the long run our profit.


Sayla Sabrin, Founder, Vivipins


Mandarin Promotes Direct Vendor Procurement

This has helped me in my dealings with Chinese factory vendors who tend to open up to me when they are conducting business with one of their own- they speak Mandarin- without needing an interpreter. It has also equipped me with the flexibility of working and sourcing from Chinese social media platforms like Xiao Hong Shu and Douyin because trends developed here are far creative. This knowledge helps us see trends for inclusion into our own social media and contributes to better results.


Victor Hsi, Founder of UGC Creator

French Unlocks International Opportunities

Learning French has created new international opportunities for me and enhanced my communication abilities. It feels like discovering a hidden level in a game—suddenly, I was able to engage with French-speaking clients more meaningfully, which strengthened trust and collaboration. This language skill not only expanded my network but also deepened my cultural awareness, making me a more adaptable professional.


‍Alex Stasiak, CEO & Founder, Startup House.

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