Calculating body fat percentage using’s body fat percentage calculator is vital to achieving optimal health and strength. Our bodies need to maintain a healthy level of fat to perform optimally and to look fit. 

We need to be aware of our body fat percentage to ensure success in weight loss and to maintain a stable and healthy body composition. Contrary to popular belief, weight alone is not the ultimate determinant of good health. 

To achieve optimal physical and mental health, it is important to calculate and maintain a healthy body fat percentage. The amount of fat our bodies carry is just as important as our overall weight, especially since excess fat tissue can lead to a wide range of health problems.

To determine our ideal body composition, we need to measure our and body fat percentage. This will enable us to calculate our ideal weight by our body fat percentage. 

What Is The Simple Method to Calculate Body Fat using’s body fat percentage calculator? 

  • First, get to know the average or recommended ranges. You must consider parameters such as heredity, activity, gender, and body type. For example, the amount of fat in females is higher than in males. 
  • Women under the age of 20 to 40 years are under-fat for 21%, healthy for 21-33%, Overweight for 33-39%, and obese for 39%. Men in the same age group are under-fat for 8%, healthy for 8-19%, overweight for 19-25%, and obese for over 25%. 
  • Try different scales and weigh yourself as accurately as possible. 
  • Compute your BMI (Body mass index) using  BMR Calculator
  • Estimate your body fat percentage using the formula in women as (1.20*BMI) +(0.23*Age) – 5.3 and in men as (BMI*1.20) +(Age*0.23) – 16.2. You can use our online tool.
  • Next, you will need to compare the in percentiles as listed in Step 1. 

What Type of Measurements Will You Need While Using’s body fat percentage calculator? 

For Men:

  • You need to measure current weight as accurately as possible. 
  • Measure the waist circumference and the biggest part of your stomach at the belly bottom of the umbilicus. Ensure to stay level with the floor. Do not suck or breathe in to obtain the measurement. 

For women:

  • You must measure your weight using a digital scale or  body fat percentage calculator
  • Measure the wrist circumference around the small portion of the wrist. You may need a companion to assist with the measurement as it can be hard to measure. 
  • Measure the waist circumference around the large portion of your stomach at the umbilicus. Make sure you don’t suck or breathe in to obtain the measurement. 
  • Measure forearm and hip circumference at the widest side of the arm and largest side of the hips. It will be easy if you have a partner to help you get the accurate measurement. 

Aside from those mentioned above, there are other important methods to calculate body fat percentage, such as Skin Caliper Measurements, Bioelectrical impedance, DEXA Scanning, hydrostatic Weighing, etc. If you have any questions regarding these methods, you can contact us or use  body fat percentage calculator.

It offers you accurate and instant results without a hitch. So, take no chance and measure your body fat right today. Stay tuned for more valuable information. 

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