Maple Driving School Abbotsford

Maple Driving School Abbotsford favorite
Business Type:
32860 Capilano Pl, Abbotsford, BC V2S 7B4, Canada
Why us – We believe that” Driving is the way of life”.We went extra mile to take the ICBC upgraded high end course in our coach’s portfolio to ensure safety on the road and equip you well with latest techniques and modified tools to ensure disciplined drivers on the road for lifetime

Why Us – What we do in Driving School
Are you tired of walking? Learn to drive with us now! Our mission is saving lives through better education. We think of ourselves more than just driving instructors and that is why maple driving school offers a driving program designed just for you that aligns with your experience and age. We work closely with parents/guardians to keep them aware of the student mistakes and strategies to overcome the mistakes during practice at home. Our proven strategies will help make new drivers become responsible and humble users of the road.
We coach the experienced licensed drivers by teaching Defensive Driving skills. This course is unique in its nature by shifting the driver’s attitude from “Making Through” to “Assess, Analyze and Make Through”

Who saves one life , saves the whole humanity
We observe that most parents tend to teach their son/daughter on their own to save on driving lessons from a driving school and hire a driving instructor for the final few sessions to get through the road test. We encourage you teach them the same time but do some reverse engineering by taking half of the driving school sessions in the beginning and half of them at the end. This will not put any extra burden on your wallet but Learning any new skills should be formal and professional from the start otherwise habits repeated for long are hard to change and can be detrimental.

WE Offer Free Co- trainer session along with the student to have them taste our professional competence level