The Lightbox Tales

The Lightbox Tales favorite
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Our story is probably like any other. Girl meets boy in a random night where neither of them were supposed to be out. Both fed up with the opposite gender, almost given up on love and just having made the conscious decision of focusing on themselves for a while. And then the universe just decides that it's the perfect moment to cross each other's paths. IF WE HAD TO PICK A WORD TO DESCRIBE US, IT WOULD BE INTENSE Yep. That's right. We will just tell you: we met on a Friday night, we said I love you on the fourth day, and we made it official on the fifth. By the third day we were pretty much living together, and two weeks after we decided we wanted to embark together on the adventure of working together as destination wedding photographer and wedding videographer IT JUST FELT RIGHT Soon after, we realised we are pretty much the same human being in the oposite gender. We share the passion for traveling, for always seeking new adventures, listening to true crime podcasts while roadtripping, for kitesurfing, and what brought you here today: storytelling in the form of photography and videography. MEET THE TEAM Not Andres, not Ander, not Angus. Andes, like the mountains. Originally from Hamburg, he travelled around Europe in his van for over 2 years after quitting his job as a content manager for a big brand. His passion for kitesurfing brought him to Tarifa, where he was gonna stay for a few weeks. But then he met Celia, and well. Life. He is a perfectionist when it comes to work, really detail oriented, and always with a million ideas running through his mind to craft the coolest films. He cries at every wedding and with every wedding film and gallery we create. ANDES Not Cecilia, not Celina, not Ceci. Celia, like Celia Cruz ('Asucar!') Originally from Tarifa, spent 6 years in Amsterdam to then go back to her roots and make base in Tarifa.