Business Type:
Street: 4291 Lowndes Hill Park Road City: Los Angeles State/province/area: California Phone number 661-449-7873 Zip code 90017 Country calling code +1 Country United States
Company Number:

Services Offered:

  1. Basement Waterproofing: Our skilled technicians specialize in preventing basement leaks and flooding, ensuring a dry and safe environment. We employ advanced techniques, including interior and exterior waterproofing, sump pump installation, and drainage systems.

  2. Foundation Waterproofing: We safeguard foundations against water penetration, helping to prevent cracks, structural damage, and foundation settling. Our experts employ premium-grade waterproofing membranes and coatings to ensure long-lasting protection.

  3. Roof Waterproofing: AquaGuard provides comprehensive roof waterproofing solutions to prevent leaks, water seepage, and deterioration. Our team applies advanced sealants, coatings, and membranes to extend the lifespan of roofs and enhance their resilience.

  4. Crawl Space Encapsulation: We offer state-of-the-art crawl space encapsulation services to seal off moisture, prevent mold growth, and improve indoor air quality. Our encapsulation systems create a barrier that shields homes from excess humidity and dampness.

  5. Exterior Wall Waterproofing: Protecting exterior walls from water infiltration is crucial for maintaining the integrity of structures. AquaGuard utilizes innovative waterproofing technologies to create a shield against rain, snow, and moisture-related damage.

  6. Commercial Waterproofing: Our services extend to commercial properties, including office buildings, warehouses, and retail spaces. We tailor our waterproofing solutions to meet the specific demands of commercial structures, ensuring durability and long-term protection.

Why Choose AquaGuard Waterproofing Solutions:

  • Expertise: Our team comprises skilled professionals with extensive experience in the waterproofing industry. They stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and technologies to provide the best solutions.

  • Custom Solutions: We understand that every property has unique waterproofing needs. Our experts assess each project individually and recommend tailored solutions that address the specific challenges.

  • Quality Materials: AquaGuard exclusively uses high-quality waterproofing materials and products known for their durability and effectiveness. This guarantees that our clients receive long-lasting protection.

  • Customer Satisfaction: Customer happiness is our top priority. We maintain open communication throughout the project, ensuring that clients are informed and involved every step of the way.

  • Innovation: We are dedicated to staying at the forefront of the waterproofing industry. By integrating innovative technologies and methods, we offer solutions that are not only effective but also environmentally friendly.

  • Warranty: Our commitment to quality is backed by warranties on our services. This gives our clients peace of mind, knowing that their investment in waterproofing is protected.