Total Guard Security

Total Guard Security favorite
Business Type:
12 Bedivere Road, Bromley, Kent, London, BR1 5LJ
Company Number:
020 8637 1406

We Supply Protection

Total Guard Security is a leader in the fields of commercial and residential security services.

We are specialists in all kinds of security. Our work inspires. We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding security services for leading clients across the UK.

Total Integrated Security Services

Dog Patrol

Our customers benefit from the quality and performance of our Dog Patrol and you will be covered with our £3,000 Warranty. This means that if a break-in or act of theft and vandalism happens under our protection we will cover the damages up to £3,000 and you don’t need to put it through your insurance.

Our dog handlers are experienced former Police and Army officers with many years of training in The Force. They are used to face dangerous people and are trained to ease any situation with professionalism.

Security Guards

We use Security Guards in London to protect large construction sites and they make a great team with our Dog Units, or live CCTV surveilance

Our Security Guards are all approved by the Security Industry Authority and they all hold valid SIA licenses.

Call us: 020 8637 1406

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