United Real Estate Company

United Real Estate Company favorite
Business Type:
Al-Shaheed Tower, Khalid Ibn Al Waleed Street, Sharq, Kuwait City, Kuwait
Company Number:
+965 180 5225
In the area of real estate agency Kuwait, URC is one of the most prominent real estate developers, including MENA region and Kuwait. Founded in 1973, URC was enumerated on the Kuwait Stock exchange in 1984. Our primary goal is to provide exceptional assistance to our clients by offering real estate solutions which will give them a great valuation for the financing. As a leading property management firm Kuwait, URC’s foremost projects comprise residential properties, high-rise office buildings, hotels, retail complexes and more. You’ll find the business footprints of our commercial real estate services Kuwait in regions like Morocco, Oman, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan and Lebanon. Contact URC for your queries related to all your real estate services.