Divine Metal & Alloys

Divine Metal & Alloys favorite
Business Type:
Old No 202/5 , New 238/5 , Linghi Chetty Street
Company Number:

Divine Metal & Alloys is one of the famous manufacturing and exporter industries. Our company manufactures different metal alloy products that are useful in various industrial sectors and conditions. Divine Metal & Alloys supply stainless steel products to the national and international market as well.

Here we utilise unquestionably the most recent creation innovation, approved creation method, and test hardware to manufacture Stainless Steel 304 Hexagonal Bars. Alongside this, we produce Stainless Steel 304L Hexagonal Bars too. We have developed stock levels of high-grade, Stainless Steel 304 Hexagonal Bars. The assembling of metal is finished with the predominant nature of unrefined substances and the most recent hardware chosen by them. Our colleagues are capable and have tremendous involvement with the business.