Modern Marks Business Consultants

Modern Marks Business Consultants favorite
Business Type:
Summary Modern Marks Business Consultants
Modern Marks Business Consultants is a firm specializing in business growth and modernization. The company adopts a no-nonsense approach to business consulting, offering its expertise in areas such as marketing, sales, operations, and accounting. Their business coaches and partners can assist in shaping a profitable business system by eliminating unnecessary expenditures, implementing automation, and making intelligent choices about people and tools to scale the company.
Modern Marks targets three typical client types. One is a business making at least $500,000 in gross revenue with a management team of at least two people and $100,000 to invest. Another client type is a specialist within their industry who lacks business expertise and needs guidance and advice, even without sizable capital. The third type runs a busy professional firm and wants to streamline its workload, maintain profits, and regain free time.
Modern Marks offers different payment options to suit its clients' needs. These include a one-time fee for specific short-term needs, a recurring or hourly rate for ongoing services, and, in rare cases, accepting shares in the company being modernized for a long-term partnership.
Current Clients
Their website contains a portfolio of businesses currently working with Modern Marks. These include firms from different industries, such as moving and storage, accounting, house cleaning, junk removal, property management, realtors and more.
Contact Information and Service Area
Mark's Modern Business Consultants can be reached by phone. They cater to clients in all Canadian provinces and all U.S. states and can assist international clients moving to Canada or the United States.

Who are Modern Marks Business Consultants? Modern Marks Business Consultants are a team of business advisors who help businesses grow and modernize their operating systems.
What services do Modern Marks Business Consultants offer? Modern Marks Business Consultants offer business consulting services, digital marketing services, and business advice.
What kind of businesses does Modern Marks Business Consultants work with? They work with a diverse range of businesses, from firms bringing in over $500k in gross revenue to smaller hobby businesses transitioning into a professional business model.
Where do Modern Marks Business Consultants offer services? They offer services in all provinces of Canada, all states of the United States, and can also assist international clients moving to Canada or the U.S.
How does Modern Marks Business Consultants approach businesses? They examine all facets of the business from marketing, sales, operations to accounting, creating a comprehensive personalized strategy for growth. They provide a strong team of business coaches, accountants, lawyers, franchise consultants, IT professionals, marketers, SEO, PPC, web professionals, and custom coders.
How does Modern Marks Business Consultants charge for their services? They charge based on the clients' unique situations. Some methods include a one-time amount, hourly rate or recurring fee for continuous help, or shares in the corporation that they are helping modernize.