United Spark Disability and Mental Health

United Spark Disability and Mental Health favorite
Business Type:
142 Kelly Rd, Modbury North SA 5092, Australia
Company Number:
08 8126 3851

Based in Adelaide, United Spark Disability Services is one of the most promising NDIS registered support and care service providers, offering a wide range of care and support services to people of different ages, socioeconomic background, living with a wide range of impairments. We have the best and the most qualified experts with years of experience under their belt. 

What service do we offer? 

The services we offer include: 

  • In home support 
  • Supported Independent Living (SIL)
  • Respite Care
  • NDIS Housing
  • Social and Community Participation 
  • Individual and Group Activity
  • Positive Behaviour Support 
  • Community Nursing Service 

Our mission

Our mission is to support, inspire, and provide quality care so that our clients can reach their full potential


Our Values

We believe in coordination, cooperation and inclusion while maintaining diversity and integrity


Our Vision

We aim to become the top support providers by offering comprehensive care to our clients

Contact us for further information.