
ApicomPro favorite
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ApicomPro Document De-Identification and Processing Solutions

At ApicomPro, we understand the critical importance of patient confidentiality in the healthcare industry. Our mission is to provide reliable and secure de-identification services for medical documents, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and safeguarding sensitive patient information.


Dicom De-Identification

We offer advanced de-identification solutions for DICOM files, ensuring that all patient-related information is securely removed or anonymized, while maintaining the integrity and quality of the medical images.


Image/Scanned document De-Identification

We specialize in de-identifying various image formats, including JPEG, PNG, and TIFF, by removing or masking patient-related details, thereby protecting patient privacy without compromising image quality.


PDF De-Identification

Our PDF de-identification services ensure that all textual and graphical elements containing patient information are safely removed or redacted, preserving the document's original format and readability.


Data extraction from the scanned documents/images

Efficiently extract valuable data from scanned documents and images with our advanced data extraction solutions. Our cutting-edge technology seamlessly digitizes and processes text, tables, and other critical information, enhancing productivity and accuracy. Say goodbye to manual data entry hassles and unlock the full potential of your scanned documents with our robust data extraction capabilities.


+48 790 844 156