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  • PuroClean of Strafford County favorite
  • Business
  • 404 Stage Road, West Nottingham, NH 03291, USA
    When water, fire, storm damage, mold, or trauma occur in your New Hampshire home or business, call PuroClean of Strafford County, to begin your journey to full recovery. Owner Tyson Bostrom and the team know how challenging water damage, mold damage, storm damage, and/or biohazard/trauma can be to you and your family. We are known for outstanding customer service, responsiveness, and consistency. We serve all the counties within New Hampshire and Southern Maine.

    The likelihood that you’ll suffer from water damage is real and varies relating to your geographic location. Numbers prove that over 20 percent of U.S. residents will experience property damage due to water problems. The numbers ensure that your property insurance is well worth the investment. Furthermore, emergency property restoration, such as water damage restorative services, are vital services provided by trained professionals. The PuroClean of Strafford County have certified professionals in the Water and Fire Damage restoration service industry and are available 24/7 to help you get through any damage.

    Flooding can result in costly damage to commercial and residential properties. For this reason, you should consider hiring a professional New Hampshire water damage restoration company such as PuroClean Strafford County. PuroClean technicians use the newest advancement technology systems to clean, disinfect and dry all property. Eliminating moisture in flooring, walls, furnishings, and carpets stops the growth of microbes, such as mildew and mold. In turn, you avoid potential health risks associated with the infestation of microbes.

    Property restoration requires certified professionals that have the ability to locate abnormal moisture that, if left wet for long periods of time, can lead to mold growth. As part of the inspection process, they look for other pre-existing potential mold and can develop plans to remove it. Having polite professionals like PuroClean of Strafford County in New Hampshire assess the damage to your property is important for your well being. Mold can lead to serious health issues. Calling in professionals to help you sort through your home after a major flood may not be easy, but it is necessary. Fortunately, PuroClean of Strafford County is the water damage restoration expert in New Hampshire and Southern Maine, and is available around the clock, 24/7. Our services enable you to deal with any flooding emergencies that may harm the integrity of the building. If you require assistance right now, you can call us at 603-664-3727.