The Mahana Magic Foundation

The Mahana Magic Foundation favorite
Business Type:
Charitable organization

The Mahana Magic Foundation

The late Greg Couture created the Mahana Magic Foundation with a group of supportive friends after he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. While being treated at Fletcher Allen Health Care, Greg received wonderful emotional care through Cancer Patient Support. However, he felt that his diagnosis was really a family diagnosis. While he received caring support through CPS, he became concerned of where his daughters, Makena & Hana, would find the support they needed. Greg recognized how cancer created fear and uncertainty for children and their need for an outlet to express their emotions. Thus Mahana Magic was born, in honor of his two daughters, Makena and Hana, with their names combined to create Mahana, meaning “to create warmth.”

Mahana Magic is a national 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, Tax ID# 47-2277707