Zabby & Elf's Stone Soup - Vegetarian Restaurant

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  • Zabby & Elf's Stone Soup - Vegetarian Restaurant favorite
  • Business
  • 211 College St, Burlington, VT 05401, USA
    Our culinary heritage is rooted in New York Jewish cooking and off-the-grid vegetarian cuisine and our food pays homage to these cultural traditions. Fresh challah and macaroons, chicken soup, hot brisket, and special holiday foods for Rosh Hashanah and the Passover Seder evoke food-laden memories of family and friends. Offered alongside are our fresh and hearty vegetarian and vegan combinations such as maple-glazed tofu, saag paneer, black bean coconut quinoa, and seitan red curry. It is our combined heritage, it is our spiritual and culinary joy, and it is unique to Stone Soup.