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  • Skillz Academy favorite
  • Business
  • Louisiana, USA
    Skillz Academy is a training academy that recruits, trains and places individuals in business oriented roles in technology companies. We are licensed by the Board of Regents of the State of Louisiana and our programs focus on individuals that are traditionally underrepresented in the technology industry including women, minorities, and people from low income communities.

    Our first program is a Software Sales Training program that trains individuals for entry level positions in sales, customer success, and customer support. In doing so, we will also address the lack of racial, economic and gender diversity in the tech industry which remains one of the least racially or economically diverse industries in the United States. As the technology industry continues to grow, there is an ever increasing need for business-oriented technology roles to support the sale and distribution of technology products and services. Unfortunately, many of the women and minorities that would be great candidates for these jobs often lack the skills and knowledge to compete for jobs in many tech companies. Our goal at Skillz Academy is to fill this gap by providing employers with a group of well trained and diverse candidates who are excited to launch a career in tech.