Douglas Zimmerman, M.A. Ed., LCSW-R

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  • Douglas Zimmerman, M.A. Ed., LCSW-R favorite
  • Business
  • 1133 Broadway, New York, NY 10010, United States
    Psychotherapist and Psychoanalyst,
    OCD, Anxiety, Depression,
    & Relationship Specialist

    Flatiron District, NYC
    Do you find yourself washing your hands twenty times a day, 'just to be sure,' that touching your baby won't contaminate him/her? Or you know you love your wife and love being intimate with her, but then you wonder if you're gay and don't really love her? Strange thoughts run in and out of your brain and you feel that you’re becoming crazy. Are crazy.

    Without evidence to support your uncertainties, you find that one thing morphs into another and you keep going to the doctor, or the internet, to prove that you are okay. You ask for assurance. Is that wire going to cause a fire? Are people thinking this or that? You know they aren't, but you can't be sure.

    I will help you confront your fears; which, in turn, will fortify your resistance to them. Slowly you will get 'used to' this or that. You will slowly learn to ignore, to accept, to say, "screw it."

    And beyond this behavioral treatment, you and I will look at why you have this symptom over that one, or how the symptom came to be. You will be surprised, and pleased, to realize that OCD is 50% nature and 50% nurture - and the second piece of our work strongly addresses the nurture component.