FrizWoods LLC - Maryland Criminal Defense Firm

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  • FrizWoods LLC - Maryland Criminal Defense Firm favorite
  • Business
  • 14513 Main St, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772, United States
  • (877)343-1031
  • If you are charged with a criminal offense, Maryland's criminal justice system can seem daunting. Having competent counsel in your corner can mean the difference between incarceration and freedom. The attorneys with FrizWoods only handle criminal cases, it's all they do. Going to court with a part-time attorney will leave you unprotected from the grasp of the State. Hire an attorney who will fight your charges and secure your freedom. Attorney's Luke Woods, Esq. and Max Frizalone, Esq. have developed the skills needed to defend a wide array criminal of cases throughout their careers. Both Luke and Max built their reputation specializing in criminal trial practice. Don't risk your life with a half-baked legal defense, consult the experienced criminal defense attorneys with FrizWoods today.