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  • Commercial Pest Control favorite
  • Business
  • 347 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
  • 90134920228
  • Pest Control 4 Sydney has been providing a safe environment around Business locations for the past many years. Our pest control services cover commercial sites in a safe, fast, and effective manner. Our highly trained technicians here at Commercial Pest Control have the skills to identify and eliminate any pest. Our prices are competitive, we provide excellent customer service, and we offer a full guarantee of our work. Rest assured, We are accredited by all major industry bodies and follow environmentally safe pest management practices. During our thorough inspections, we identify the source of the problem and then present you with a treatment plan that is tailored specifically for your situation and budget.

    Book today's appointment on 02 4018 7435 so that we can send experts over immediately.

    Our different kinds of Services include:

    1. Beetle And Bird Control
      2. Commercial Timber Inspection
      3. Bee And Wasp Control
      4. Cockroaches and Flea Control
      5. Moth and Spider Removal & Treatment
      6. Termite & Borer Extermination
      7. Bed Bugs And Rodent Catcher

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