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  • Silverfish Control Melbourne favorite
  • Business
  • 911/408 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia
  • People usually think silverfish control in Melbourne would be simple, but it's not. To deal with silverfish, you need to know where they hide and where they live. Also, you need to understand how pesticides control silverfish. With over 20 years of experience in pest control in Melbourne and surrounding suburbs, SAMS Pest Control Melbourne offers environmentally friendly Silverfish Control Melbourne solutions for both residential and commercial properties.  

    Signs of a Silverfish Infestation:-

    Spotting a Live Specimen:   Although this sounds obvious, most people turn a blind eye to the issue even after spotting a live insect crawling around. But what most people don't know is spotting one means there are plenty more hidden away.


    Dropping:-  Where there is an infestation, there are droppings. While inspecting your home or business premise, ensure to keep an eye out for droppings. You will easily spot their black spherical poop where they eat, around paper or cloth items.

    Paper Damage:-   Since these insects mainly eat starchy items like paper, cardboard boxes, cereal boxes, albums, wallpapers, etc. it is easy to spot an infestation when conducting an inspection of your home or business premise.

    So for a permanent silverfish treatment solution at an affordable price, feel free to call us on 03 4014 9988.