AZ-400 Exam Dumps Learning Path To study for this exam, you can follow the below simple path: Understand the basics of cloud computing. Take an overview of core azure services compute, storage, and networking. The practice below 3 hands-on labs: Create virtual machines, virtual private networks, and their peering, try to integrate load balancers and application gateways. Create app services, and check available app service plans and their pricing. Play around with storage options available blobs, queues, cosmos DB, etc. Take an overview of security and pricing model concepts. For remaining topics, you can refer to short courses or glance at Microsoft docs just before the exam. Tips and tricks You can implement a few POCs for basic features of Azure services and practical knowledge of those Azure services will help you to understand questions faster. Take look at all answer choices available before making a AZ-400 Dumps  final choice. AZ 900 Exam Pricing and scheduling Information The exam charge is subject to change with the country from where you're taking this exam. Let’s say in case you're living within the India then the exam fee is ~3700 INR. Completing the Exam: You can spend as long as you wish on any particular question but must budget your time to complete all the questions. Any questions not completed in the allotted time will be scored as incorrect. During the session, you may skip questions and return to them later in the session. 


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