Application of veterinary ultrasound in sheep farms
The economic benefits of sheep farms are directly related to the reproductive characteristics of sheep, and veterinary ultrasound plays a very important role in the diagnosis of pregnancy in ewes. The pregnancy of the ewe can be determined by ultrasound examination.
The breeder/veterinarian can analyze the results of ultrasound detection and carry out scientific feeding of pregnant ewes by grouping and individual housing, to improve the nutri... moreApplication of veterinary ultrasound in sheep farms
The economic benefits of sheep farms are directly related to the reproductive characteristics of sheep, and veterinary ultrasound plays a very important role in the diagnosis of pregnancy in ewes. The pregnancy of the ewe can be determined by ultrasound examination.
The breeder/veterinarian can analyze the results of ultrasound detection and carry out scientific feeding of pregnant ewes by grouping and individual housing, to improve the nutritional management level of pregnant ewes and increase the lambing rate.
At this stage, the more commonly used method for checking pregnancy in ewes is the use of veterinary ultrasound machines.
Veterinary ultrasound is usually used for pregnancy diagnosis, disease diagnosis, litter size estimation, stillbirths identification, etc. It has the advantages of rapid inspection and obvious results. Compared to traditional testing methods, veterinary ultrasound greatly simplifies the inspection process, reduces inspection costs, and allows the owner/veterinarian to quickly identify problems and take quicker action, e.g., rapid herd separation.
What is ultrasound?
Ultrasound is a high-tech means of cross-sectional observation of a living animal without any damage or stimulation and has now become a favorable assistant in veterinary diagnostic activities and an essential monitoring instrument for scientific research such as live egg collection and embryo transfer.
Ultrasonic probe parts and methods
(1) Probing parts
In the early stage of pregnancy, the probe can be carried out on both sides of the breast and the hairless area between the breasts, or the interval between the two breasts. In the middle and late stages of pregnancy, the right side of the abdominal wall can be explored. There is no need to cut the hair in the less hairy area, but the side abdominal wall needs to be cut, and the rectum needs to be explored.
(2) Probing method
The probing method is basically the same as that for pigs, the examiner squats on the side of the sheep body, and after applying coupling agent locally or to the probe, the probe is placed close to the skin, toward the direction of the pelvic inlet, and a fixed-point fan-shaped sweep is performed. Sweeping from the breast straight forward to backward, from both sides of the breast to the middle, or from the middle of the breast to both sides is acceptable. Early in pregnancy, the sac is not large and the embryo is small enough to require a slow sweep to detect it. The inspector can also squat behind the rump of the goat and hold the probe from the middle of the two hind limbs of the goat to the udder for scanning. Dairy goat udder is too large, or the side of the abdominal wall hair is too long, affecting to see the part of the probe, can be lifted by the assistant to explore the side of the hind limbs, exposure of the part of the probe, but do not have to cut the hair.
Ultrasonic examination of ewes
Ewes generally take a natural standing position, assistants in the side to support, keep quiet, or assistants with two legs clamped on the neck of the ewes to keep, can also be used to keep a simple frame to keep. Side-lying bailing can slightly advance the diagnostic date and improve the diagnostic accuracy, but it is not convenient to use in large groups. Ultrasound can be used to detect early pregnancy in side-lying, supine or standing position.