
Molecular Formula: C15H24

CAS Number: 483-76-1

Cadinene features four isomers: α, β, γ, and δ, with δ-Cadinene being the most prevalent. Hesheng Technology identified the enigmatic compound δ-Cadinene. This substance not only imparts a distinctive woody scent to cigarette leaves but also enhances the characteristics of Chinese Baijiu.

Specifications of (+)-δ-Cadinene

Product Name CAS Number Molecular F...  more


Molecular Formula:C15H24

CAS No:17627-44-0/495-61-4/495-62-5

Constitutional formula: α-Bisabolene/β-Bisabolene/γ-Bisabolene

Bisabolene, a popular sesquiterpene flavor compound, primarily consists of three isomers: α, β, and γ, which are naturally found in the traditional aromatic plant myrrh. This compound can also be obtained from myrrh oil as well as from other natural essential oils, including ylang-y...  more


Molecular Formula: C15H24

CAS Number: 15438-94-5

Bergamotene, along with its isomers α-Trans-Bergamotene and β-Trans-Bergamotene, which differ solely by the placement of their double bonds, is commonly present in various plants, particularly within essential oils. The most prevalent form found in nature is α-Trans-Bergamotene. Renowned for its sweet citrus scent, Bergamotene is of...  more


Molecular Formula: C40H52O4

CAS No: 472-61-7

Astaxanthin, a type of ketocarotenoid, can serve as a dietary supplement, as well as an additive for food or animal feed. It possesses strong capabilities for coloring, enhancing color, and preserving products; additionally, it offers advantages like immune system regulation, anti-glycation effects, prevention of arteriosclerosis, protection for the nervous sy...  more


Molecular Formula:C15H24

CAS Number:502-61-4/18794-84-8

Constitutional formula:α-FARNESENE/β-FARNESENE

Farnesene is a naturally occurring fragrance that can be found in various plant essential oils, and it is categorized into α-Farnesene and β-Farnesene, each bringing a distinct aromatic essence. α-Farnesene is mostly derived from orange blossoms and rose petals; its fragrance...  more