Boat Wedding NY

Planning for a wedding on a cruise yacht is a dream that we can make happen. We will work with you to design the perfect event, whether it be a seated dinner party or a holiday charter. Our yachts are available for both date nights and weddings, so let us help you make your next event unforgettable.
Boat Proposal NYC | Marriage Proposals NYC |Boat Wedding NY
Boat Wedding NY - Let us help you to plan the perfect Marriage Proposal and boat proposal in NYC! We have the most unique marriage proposal ideas...
Boat Tours NYC

Enjoy Boat Tours in NYC with us! Our boats have the highest level of comfort, luxury and other amenities that can only be found in a five-star hotel. Reserve your tour in advance!
Private Luxury Sailing Boat Charters NYC | Motor Boat Yacht Charters NYC
Manhattan boat charters - SailawayNY offers Private luxury yacht sailing charters NYC and Motor boat yacht charters NYC for any occasion. Contact...
Boat Charters NYC

Looking for boat charters in NYC? SailawayNY offers the most stable yacht charter in the area, serving individuals, couples, and small groups. We work closely with most event professionals so that you can kick back and enjoy the day, just like it's your birthday! Contact us now!