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Object Recognition Test
Object recognition test wasdeveloped to mimic the recognition task of testing human amnesia and is commonly used to evaluate the learning memory ability of rodents. The experiment evaluates the...
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Three-Chamber Sociability Test
Social disorders are typical symptoms of many mental illnesses, such as depression, autism and schizophrenia. Therefore, changes in social behavior can be used as one of the criteria for...
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Safety Pharmacology Evaluation
The purpose of safety pharmacology evaluation is to predict and prevent unsafe factors during the use of a drug in human (or animal) populations. Our company has extensive expertise in drug...
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Local Toxicity Evaluation
What is Local Toxicity Evaluation? Local toxicity refers to the direct damage caused by certain drugs at the contact site of the body, which initially manifests as cell death at the direct...
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Incapacitance Analgesia Test
Introduction of The Incapacitance Analgesia Test The incapacitance analgesia test assesses the degree of pain through balance regulation in the rodent's own standing posture. When a normal rat...
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Retroviral Vector Development Service
Development ofretroviral vectors Retroviruses are single-stranded RNA viruses capable of converting RNA to cDNA by the action of reverse transcriptase, which is then amplified by the action of...
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Viral Vector Purity Evaluation Service
Introduction of Viral Vector Purity EvaluationService Viral vectors expressing therapeutic genes show great promise for the treatment of a wide range of diseases, particularly rare diseases,...
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Grip Strength Test
Introduction of Grip Strength Test Grip strength tests often selectively measure the grasping force of the rodent's forelimbs or hindlimbs by means of a grasping force meter. The gripper is a...
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Gene Therapy for Cystic Fibrosis
What is cystic fibrosis? Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a rare genetic disorder that affects the lungs, digestive system, and other organs. It is caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis...
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Morris Water Maze Test
What is Morris Water Maze Test? The Morris water maze is a test based on the habit of mice that are averse to being in water and are forced to swim to find a platform hidden in the water, and...
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Why need animal cognitive behavioral tests?
Understanding animal behavior: These tests help researchers gain insight into how animals think, learn, and solve problems. By conducting cognitive behavioral tests, scientists can better...
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Viral Vector Characterization: Why and How
Why need viral vector characterization? Cell and gene therapies for various rare diseases are currently undergoing clinical trials worldwide. The rapid development in this field has led to an...