Many Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) players have encountered the frustrating "Unable To Complete Version Check Error." This error often impedes gameplay and can be caused by various factors, leading to player inconvenience and sometimes halting their gaming experience. Understanding and troubleshooting this issue is crucial for seamless gameplay.

Common Causes of the Error

Server Overload

One of the primary reasons for this error is server overload. The game servers might face excessive traffic, leading to version check failure. This issue commonly arises during peak gaming hours or after a major game update release.

Firewall or Antivirus Interference

Firewalls and antivirus software can sometimes misinterpret FFXIV's files as potential threats, causing the version check to fail. Their overzealous protection might block the necessary connections, resulting in this error.

Internet Connection Issues

Unstable or slow internet connections can also trigger the "Unable To Complete Version Check Error." Poor connectivity can disrupt the smooth communication between the game client and the server.

Troubleshooting Steps

Restarting the System

Begin troubleshooting by performing a system restart. This simple step can resolve minor glitches and potentially resolve the version check error.

Checking Server Status

Check the FFXIV server status online. If the servers are overloaded or under maintenance, waiting for a while might resolve the issue.

Adjusting Firewall Settings

Review and modify your firewall or antivirus settings to ensure they don't interfere with FFXIV's connections. Whitelisting the game files can often resolve this issue.

Internet Connection Troubleshooting

Analyze your internet connection for any irregularities. Restart your router or switch between Wi-Fi and Ethernet connections to improve stability.

Updating FFXIV Client

Manual Update Process

Manually checking for updates within the FFXIV launcher can sometimes fix version check errors. Ensure that the launcher is up to date and initiate the update process.

Checking for Patch Files

Search for any missing or corrupted patch files. Redownloading or repairing these files can potentially fix the version check error.

Reinstalling the Game

As a last resort, consider reinstalling FFXIV. This step should be taken after backing up essential game data and settings.

Advanced Fixes

Tweaking System Settings

Fine-tuning certain system settings, such as DNS configurations or proxy settings, might alleviate version check errors.

Addressing Registry Issues

Delve into your system's registry and clean or repair any potential issues related to FFXIV files.

Seeking Technical Support

If the error persists, seeking assistance from FFXIV technical support or forums can provide advanced solutions tailored to your specific issue.


Resolving the FFXIV Unable To Complete Version Check Error requires a systematic approach, understanding common triggers, and employing troubleshooting steps that cater to different causes. With patience and careful execution, most players can overcome this hindrance and resume their FFXIV adventure.


1. How often does the "Unable To Complete Version Check Error" occur in FFXIV?

This error occurrence varies, often peaking during major updates or high traffic periods.

2. Can a poor internet connection be the sole reason behind this error?

While it's a common cause, several factors, such as server overload or firewall interference, can also trigger the error.

3. Is reinstalling the game the only solution for this issue?

Reinstalling the game should be considered as a last resort after trying other troubleshooting steps.

4. How crucial is it to keep the FFXIV client updated?

Regular updates are crucial for smooth gameplay and also help in preventing version check errors.

5. What should I do if none of the troubleshooting steps work?

If the issue persists, seeking assistance from FFXIV technical support or the gaming community might provide further tailored solutions.

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