When it comes to face and skin we always worry a little too much and why should we not? As it is one of the most important parts of our body. However, due to changing hormones, pollution, dust, or any other reason, all of us have some acne on our faces. Unlike normal acne that comes and goes and no one knows about it, some acne is bad and leaves their mark. Many of you might be relating to it hard but you don’t have to worry anymore as this blog has brought you effective and safe acne scar treatments that would be beneficial for your face and will have no side effects whatsoever. Following skin treatments for the face can not only treat your scars but also help you regain your confidence. 

Need of Acne Scar Treatments

Acne scar treatments are the need of modern times where lifestyle and eating habits are changing, causing trouble in bodily hormones. The major reason behind the development of acne scars is the body producing too much collage. Acne scars are persistent and not every treatment works for everyone. A combination of treatments or one single treatment depending on your scar type, skin type and the severity of scarring can help you cure. To diminish raised acne scars called hypertrophic scars, you can select one of the following treatments mentioned below for acne scar-free skin after consulting with the best dull skin treatment dermatologist.  

6-Treatments That Are Effective and Safe For Acne Scar Treatments

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a technique used to improve and smooth the texture of the skin. Facial skin is mostly treated, and scarring can be improved. It’s a type of cosmetic treatment where a certified physician applies a chemical solution with exfoliating properties to the skin. This chemical solution eliminates dead skin, excess oil, and irritating debris, as well as works on a cellular level, to reveal newer, smoother, and clearer skin. Chemical peels are great for those dealing with skin conditions like acne scars and discoloration, uneven skin tone and texture, wrinkles and fine lines.

Treated areas take about seven to 14 days to heal after a medium chemical peel, but redness might last for months. After a deep chemical peel, you'll experience severe redness and swelling.


Microneedling can also help those who are dealing with troublesome scars, dark spots, and discoloration caused by acne. This innovative treatment stimulates the skin’s repair process — increasing collagen and elastin to improve skin tone and texture, which smoothes out scars and reduces the look of hyperpigmentation (aka dark spots and discoloration). The benefits of microneedling go far beyond its ability to improve wrinkles and fine lines, under-eye circles, and enhance delivery and absorption of select product lines.

Most of the visible recovery from microneedling happens in the first day or two after treatment, but healing will still be happening under the surface of your skin for up to 2 months afterward.


A HydraFacial is a minimally invasive facial treatment that uses a patented device to exfoliate, cleanse, extract, and hydrate the skin. The treatment uses a vortex swirling action to remove dead skin, dirt, debris, and impurities. It can also infuse the skin with intensive serums. HydraFacials can be customized to each person's individual cosmetic concern. They are suitable for patients of all ages. HydraFacials can cause mild redness and itching on the skin, which subsides quickly. You can go right back to your day after your treatment is over.

PRP (Platelet-rich plasma)

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) facials became popular with plastic surgery because of their role in wound healing. PRP has a high concentration of platelets. which allows for the formation and release of growth factors and active proteins that promote healing. It is widely used in facial skin rejuvenation.

In general, the usual recovery time for any PRP treatment is about 4 to 6 weeks. PRP injections that are used for musculoskeletal issues, particularly injuries to the joints, usually require 6 weeks or more.


This is a unique skin treatment that involves the use of various light-emitting devices to help with skin discoloration while reducing the appearance of blemishes. This is perfect for treating different skin problems like large pores, fine lines, wrinkles, and even acne scars.

It's normal for your skin to feel hot and swollen for up to three days after the procedure, although it disappears sooner for most people. Avoid exfoliating products.

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment for acne scars uses light to destroy the scar tissue on the top layer of the skin and encourages the growth of new healthy skin cells to replace scar tissue. This treatment won't always get rid of acne scars completely, but it can make them less noticeable and minimise pain.

Laser resurfacing patients also can expect the treated area to: Swell for 24 to 48 hours after treatment. Itch or sting for 12 to 72 hours after treatment. Slough and peel off old skin five to seven days after treatment.

There is Absolutely Nothing to Stop Your Face Shine!

See, we have told you that we have got a solution for your scar issues. Now with the help of one of these treatments consulted by the best dermatologist in Pune, you can get yourself scar-free, smooth, bright, beautiful skin. In my opinion, if you are having trouble finding the best skin treatment clinic, no worries because the solution is right here. Orijine has the best skin laser treatment in Pune, along with other skin treatment options for acne scar treatment. Now that you know about the treatments and their benefits, all you need to do is book a consultation appointment to find out which treatment is best for you. No scar can stop you from having radiant, glowing, and amazing skin!

Author Profile

The author of this blog is a content writer with Orijine, a leading dermatology clinic in Pune. Orijine provides skin and hair care services such as the best skin laser treatment in Pune. We offer solutions to all your skin and hair-related issues and our doctors are experts in resolving each of them most organically. We specialise in skin & hair care, panchakarma therapy, and skin tightening treatments. 

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